Thursday, 13th February 2025
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Nevern Community Council

image of Nevern Community Council

Croeso i safle we Cyngor Cymuned Nanhyfer a Threwyddel.

Cynhelir cyfarfodydd y Cyngor Cymuned ar yr nos Fercher cynta ym mhob mis. Mae'r lle cynhelir y cyfarfodydd yn newid o Neuadd Cymuned Nanhyfer i Hen Ysgol Trewyddel bob yn ail. Maent yn agored i'r cyhoedd, ac os yr hoffech fynychu, ffoniwch y clerc i weld lle cynhelir y cyfarfod y mis hwnw.

Caiff y Cyngor Cymunedol ei gynrychioli gan 9 cynghorydd etholedig, a chlerc. Mae'r cyngor yn gyfrifol am lefel is y llywodraeth. Prif bwrpas y cyngor yw i ymddwyn fel grwp ffocws trwy fynegi i fudiadau achosion ac uchelgesion unigolion a'r gymuned.

Mae'r cyngor yn ymgynghori a phob cais cynllunio a wnaed o fewn y gymuned ar gyfer Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Sir Benfro.

Welcome to Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council's web page.

The community council's meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, altering between Nevern Village Hall and Moylegrove Old School Hall. These meetings are open to the public, and if you wish to attend, please phone the clerk.

The community Council is represented by 9 elected councillors and a clerk. This council is responsible for the lower level of government. The main function of the council is to act as a focus group through which the concerns and ambitions of individuals and the community can be expressed to organisations.

The C.C. is a planning consultee in relation to all planning applications made within the community for P.C.N.P.A.

Recent Uploads:

Council Boundaries:

Contact Details:

Elizabeth Balchin (Clerk)
Penuel Chapel House,
Felindre Farchog,
SA41 3XH
T: 01239 881223